martes, 26 de septiembre de 2017

Figura Mario Bros 8Bits. Tkinter (Canvas)

from tkinter import *

VentanaP = Tk()
poly = Canvas(VentanaP, width=210, heigh=210, bg='White')
poly.create_polygon(50,20,100,20,100,30,130,30,130,40,110,40,110,50,130,50,130,60,140,60,140,70,130,70,130,80,120,80,120,90,100,90,100,100,130,100,130,110,140,110,140,150,120,150,120,160,130,160,130,170,140,170,140,180,100,180,100,160,90,160,90,150,70,150,70,160,60,160,60,180,20,180,20,170,30,170,30,160,40,160,40,150,20,150,20,110,30,110,30,100,40,100,40,90,50,90,50,80,30,80,30,50,40,50,40,30,50,30, fill="red", outline='white')

Figuras, botones, poligonos y condicion IF (Aportacion de compañero Aquino + Figuras) Actualizado

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from tkinter import *
v0 = Tk()
v0.title("Ventana madre")

def mostrar(num):
    v1 = Toplevel(v0)
    v1.title("Ventana hija")
    v1.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", "onexit")
    if num == 1:
     hola = Canvas(v1, width=300, height=210, bg='white')
     hola.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
     hola.create_oval(10, 10, 200, 200, width=5, fill='blue')
     b3 = Button(hola, text="ocultar", command=lambda: ejecutar(ocultar(v1)))
     b3.grid(row=1, column=3)
    elif num == 2:
     canvas = Canvas(v1,width=300, height=210, bg='white')
     canvas.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
     canvas.create_rectangle(10, 10, 200, 200, width=5, fill='red')
     b3 = Button(canvas, text="ocultar", command=lambda: ejecutar(ocultar(v1)))
     b3.grid(row=1, column=3)
    elif num == 3:
     canvas2 = Canvas(v1,width=300, height=210, bg='white')
     canvas2.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
     canvas2.create_line(0, 200, 200, 0, width=10, fill='green')
     canvas2.create_line(0, 0, 200, 200, width=10, fill='red')
     b3 = Button(canvas2, text="ocultar", command=lambda: ejecutar(ocultar(v1)))
     b3.grid(row=1, column=3)
    elif num == 4:
     canvas = Canvas(v1, width=300, height=200, bg='white')

     canvas.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
     xy = 10, 10, 190, 190
     canvas.create_arc(xy, start=0, extent=270, fill='gray60')

     b3 = Button(canvas, text="ocultar", command=lambda: ejecutar(ocultar(v1)))
     b3.grid(row=1, column=3)
    elif num == 5:
     canvas123 = Canvas(v1,width=300, height=200, bg='white')
     canvas123.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
     canvas123.create_arc(10, 10, 190, 190, start=270, extent=90, fill='gray90')
     b3 = Button(canvas123, text="ocultar", command=lambda: ejecutar(ocultar(v1)))
     b3.grid(row=1, column=3)

    elif num == 6:

     canvas = Canvas(v1, width=300, height=200, bg='white')

     canvas.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
     xy = 10, 10, 190, 190
     canvas.create_arc(xy, start=0, extent=270, fill='gray60')

     canvas.create_arc(10, 10, 190, 190, start=270, extent=90, fill='gray90')
     b3 = Button(canvas, text="ocultar", command=lambda: ejecutar(ocultar(v1)))
     b3.grid(row=1, column=3)

    elif num == 7:

     canvas = Canvas(v1, width=300, height=200, bg='white')
     canvas.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
     canvas.create_text(150,70,fill="Red",font="Times",text="Hola \nmundo")
     b3 = Button(canvas, text="ocultar", command=lambda: ejecutar(ocultar(v1)))
     b3.grid(row=1, column=3)
    elif num == 8:

     canvas = Canvas(v1, width=300, height=200, bg='white')
     canvas.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
     canvas.create_polygon(40, 40, 40, 140, 140, 140, 140, 100,fill="lightblue", outline="brown", width=6)
     b3 = Button(canvas, text="ocultar", command=lambda: ejecutar(ocultar(v1)))
     b3.grid(row=1, column=3)

    elif num == 9:

     canvas = Canvas(v1, width=300, height=200, bg='white')
     canvas.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
     canvas.create_polygon(100,110,100,270,150,270,150,190,220,190,230,280,290,280,300,100,240,90,230,160,160,160,140,100, fill="lightblue", outline="brown", width=6)
     b3 = Button(canvas, text="ocultar", command=lambda: ejecutar(ocultar(v1)))
     b3.grid(row=1, column=3)


    elif num == 10:

     canvas = Canvas(v1, width=300, height=200, bg='white')
     canvas.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
     canvas.create_polygon(130,20,150,90,210,90,160,130,180,200,130,160,80,200,100,130,50,90,110,90, fill="lightblue", outline="brown", width=6)
     b3 = Button(canvas, text="ocultar Dibujo de David Maldonado", command=lambda: ejecutar(ocultar(v1)))
     b3.grid(row=1, column=3)


    elif num == 11:

     canvas = Canvas(v1, width=210, heigh=210, bg='white')
     canvas.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
     canvas.create_polygon(30, 20, 20, 80, 40, 100, 80, 80, 80, 120, 100, 120, 100, 80, 130, 80, 130, 110, 150, 110, 150,
                         50, 170, 10, 110, 40, 70, 40, 50, 25, fill="red", outline='white')
     b3 = Button(canvas, text="ocultar Dibujo de Emanuel Horta", command=lambda: ejecutar(ocultar(v1)))
     b3.grid(row=1, column=3)


    elif num == 12:

     canvas = Canvas(v1, width=390, height=350, bg='black')
     canvas.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
     puntos = [00, 20, 60, 20, 80, 80, 120, 80, 160, 20, 220, 40, 180, 40, 140, 80, 160, 100, 160, 120, 160, 140, 140,
               160, 180, 180, 200, 200, 200, 240, 180, 280, 140, 300, 180, 320, 180, 340, 120, 340, 100, 320, 80, 340,
               20, 340, 20, 320, 60, 300, 20, 280, 00, 240, 00, 200, 20, 180, 60, 160, 40, 140, 40, 120, 40, 100, 60,
               80, 40, 40]
     canvas.create_polygon(puntos, fill="white", outline="white", width=9)
     b3 = Button(canvas, text="ocultar Lourdes Brito", command=lambda: ejecutar(ocultar(v1)))
     b3.grid(row=1, column=3)


    elif num == 13:

     canvas = Canvas(v1,  width=700, height=600, bg='white')
     canvas.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
     canvas.create_polygon((200, 400), (100, 500), (100, 600), (200, 500), (300, 600), (300, 500), (200, 400),
                             (300, 300), fill="green", outline="brown", width=2)
     canvas.create_polygon((200, 200), (300, 100), (500, 100), (500, 300), (400, 400), (300, 300), fill="red", outline="brown", width=2)
     b3 = Button(canvas, text="ocultar Edgar Emanuel", command=lambda: ejecutar(ocultar(v1)))
     b3.grid(row=1, column=3)


    elif num == 14:
     canvas = Canvas(v1)
     canvas.config(width=400, height=600,
                   bg='white')  # Lienzo con las medidas y color sobre el que se dibujará la figura
     canvas.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)  # Sirve para cargar la figura

     canvas.create_polygon(52.5, 14.5, 37, 59.1, 51, 59.1, fill="#5C554E", outline="#5C554E", width=1)
     canvas.create_polygon(19.3, 56.8, 58, 59.1, 67, 91, 37.5, 83, fill="#C3BAB5", outline="#C3BAB5", width=1)
     canvas.create_polygon(58, 57.8, 78, 77, 71, 103, fill="#D4CCC1", outline="#D4CCC1", width=1)
     canvas.create_polygon(37.5, 83, 67.4, 91, 71, 103, fill="#998C8A", outline="#998C8A", width=1)
     canvas.create_polygon(71, 103, 71, 104.8, 59.1, 104.8, 53.2, 91, fill="#665B57", outline="#665B57", width=1)

     canvas.create_polygon(86, 105.6, 98.2, 148.6, 47, 133.6, 24.2, 103.6, fill="#C3BAB5", outline="#C3BAB5", width=1)
     canvas.create_polygon(98.2, 148.6, 102, 165.2, 47, 133.6, fill="#9B8D8A", outline="#9B8D8A", width=1)
     canvas.create_polygon(86, 105.6, 124, 169, 120, 196, 110.8, 196, fill="#D5CDC2", outline="#D5CDC2", width=1)
     canvas.create_polygon(102, 165.2, 110.8, 196, 99, 196, 80.6, 153, fill="#605550", outline="#605550", width=1)

     canvas.create_polygon(139.5, 197, 147, 241, 71, 220.4, 46, 193, fill="#C3BAB5", outline="#C3BAB5", width=1)
     canvas.create_polygon(147, 241, 150, 261.4, 71, 220.4, fill="#968B87", outline="#968B87", width=1)
     canvas.create_polygon(139.5, 197, 193, 274.2, 189, 307.8, 176, 321, 161.6, 321, fill="#D4CCC1", outline="#D4CCC1",
     canvas.create_polygon(150, 261.4, 161.6, 321, 126.8, 249, fill="#605551", outline="#605551", width=1)

     canvas.create_polygon(199.4, 307.8, 189, 307.8, 176, 321, 186.6, 461, 184, 448.8, 171, 479.5, 199.4, 503,
                           fill="#C2AD9C", outline="#C2AD9C", width=1)
     canvas.create_polygon(176, 321, 161.6, 321, 186.6, 461, fill="#615652", outline="#615652", width=1)
     canvas.create_polygon(161.6, 321, 136, 359.4, 177.2, 409, fill="#D9C6B7", outline="#D9C6B7", width=1)
     canvas.create_polygon(144.4, 369.8, 139.6, 384.6, 160, 389.4, fill="#443232", outline="#443232", width=1)
     canvas.create_polygon(139.6, 384.6, 160, 389.4, 177.2, 409, 169.2, 450, fill="#826E65", outline="#826E65", width=1)
     canvas.create_polygon(171, 479.5, 180.6, 497.8, 191.2, 496.8, fill="#463334", outline="#463334", width=1)
     canvas.create_polygon(177.2, 409, 164.8, 475, 176.5, 511, 199.4, 522, 199.4, 502.8, 191.2, 496.8, 180.6, 497.8,
                           171, 479.5, 184, 448.8, fill="#9B7F79", outline="#9B7F79", width=1)

     canvas.create_polygon(151.8, 335.4, 109.6, 280, 142.2, 349.2, fill="#5F5150", outline="#5F5150", width=1)
     canvas.create_polygon(109.6, 280, 70.3, 266, 94.3, 329, 131.3, 326, fill="#483636", outline="#483636", width=1)
     canvas.create_polygon(94.3, 329, 137, 336, 132, 326.8, fill="#C2AF9D", outline="#C2AF9D", width=1)
     canvas.create_polygon(115, 333, 136, 359.4, 142.2, 349.2, 137, 336, fill="#826E65", outline="#826E65", width=1)

     # Lado inverso
     canvas.create_polygon(346.5, 14.5, 347.5, 59.1, 361, 59.1, fill="#2E2621", outline="#2E2621", width=1)
     canvas.create_polygon(379.4, 56.8, 341.8, 59.1, 332, 91, 361, 83, fill="#908782", outline="#908782", width=1)
     canvas.create_polygon(341.5, 57.8, 324, 75, 327.6, 103, fill="#A29B8F", outline="#A29B8F", width=1)
     canvas.create_polygon(361, 83, 332.4, 91, 329, 103, fill="#685D59", outline="#685D59", width=1)
     canvas.create_polygon(329, 103, 326.8, 104.8, 340, 104.8, 345.6, 91, fill="#2D2220", outline="#2D2220", width=1)

     canvas.create_polygon(313, 105.6, 301, 148.6, 352, 133.6, 374.5, 103.6, fill="#908782", outline="#908782", width=1)
     canvas.create_polygon(301, 148.6, 297, 165.2, 352, 133.6, fill="#625755", outline="#625755", width=1)
     canvas.create_polygon(313, 105.6, 274, 169, 279, 196, 288, 196, fill="#A1998E", outline="#A1998E", width=1)
     canvas.create_polygon(297, 165.2, 288, 196, 300, 196, 318, 153, fill="#2D221E", outline="#2D221E", width=1)

     canvas.create_polygon(260, 197, 252, 241, 331, 220.4, 352.4, 193, fill="#908782", outline="#908782", width=1)
     canvas.create_polygon(252, 241, 249, 261.4, 331, 220.4, fill="#645955", outline="#645955", width=1)
     canvas.create_polygon(260, 197, 205, 274.2, 209.8, 307.8, 223, 321, 238, 321, fill="#A1998E", outline="#A1998E",
     canvas.create_polygon(249, 261.4, 238.6, 321, 271.8, 249, fill="#2D221E", outline="#2D221E", width=1)

     canvas.create_polygon(199.4, 307.8, 209.8, 307.8, 223, 321, 212.6, 461, 215, 448.8, 228, 479.5, 199.4, 503,
                           fill="#8E7968", outline="#8E7968", width=1)
     canvas.create_polygon(223, 321, 238.6, 321, 212.6, 461, fill="#302722", outline="#302722", width=1)
     canvas.create_polygon(238, 321, 262.8, 359.4, 222.5, 409, fill="#A69384", outline="#A69384", width=1)
     canvas.create_polygon(254.4, 369.8, 259.6, 384.6, 238, 389.4, fill="#120001", outline="#120001", width=1)
     canvas.create_polygon(259.6, 384.6, 238, 389.4, 222.5, 409, 229.5, 450, fill="#4F3B32", outline="#4F3B32", width=1)
     canvas.create_polygon(228, 479.5, 218.3, 497.8, 207.5, 496.8, fill="#180A04", outline="#180A04", width=1)
     canvas.create_polygon(222.5, 409, 234, 475, 223, 511, 199.4, 522, 199.4, 502.8, 207.5, 496.8, 218.3, 497.8, 228,
                           479.5, 215, 448.8, fill="#674C45", outline="#674C45", width=1)

     canvas.create_polygon(247, 335.4, 290.6, 280, 256.8, 349.2, fill="#281F1D", outline="#281F1D", width=1)
     canvas.create_polygon(290.6, 280, 328, 266, 304.8, 329, 267.5, 326, fill="#140202", outline="#140202", width=1)
     canvas.create_polygon(304.8, 329, 262.5, 336, 267.5, 326.8, fill="#8D7B66", outline="#8D7B66", width=1)
     canvas.create_polygon(283, 333, 262.8, 359.4, 256.8, 349.2, 262.5, 336, fill="#4D3930", outline="#4D3930", width=1)

     b3 = Button(canvas, text="ocultar Dibujo de David Alejandro Mendoza", command=lambda: ejecutar(ocultar(v1)))
     b3.grid(row=1, column=3)


    elif num == 15:
     puntos = [226, 42, 198, 42, 170, 50, 141, 71, 127, 60, 108, 52, 94, 57, 85, 71, 85, 85, 95, 99, 108, 106, 120, 109,
               127, 113, 127, 123, 142, 119, 161, 119, 178, 122, 189, 134, 192, 148, 189, 161, 176, 166, 160, 165, 142,
               162, 156, 178, 170, 192, 192, 198, 207, 198, 198, 212, 170, 209, 151, 205, 132, 202, 113, 195, 108, 180,
               99, 164, 80, 153, 57, 156, 38, 170, 34, 183, 35, 198, 42, 212, 56, 221, 71, 226, 85, 221, 104, 212, 127,
               223, 152, 226, 175, 232, 189, 234, 184, 250, 184, 270, 184, 283, 190, 297, 196, 306, 184, 321, 180, 334,
               178, 346, 180, 353, 188, 372, 212, 390, 194, 402, 181, 411, 170, 425, 170, 443, 176, 456, 190, 467, 208,
               468, 227, 456, 275, 419, 276, 404, 269, 393, 252, 383, 236, 382, 221, 371, 206, 361, 201, 350, 203, 340,
               209, 333, 221, 326, 237, 326, 255, 322, 270, 314, 280, 305, 297, 291, 311, 288, 335, 288, 354, 293, 368,
               301, 378, 311, 386, 326, 403, 330, 411, 330, 462, 265, 461, 240, 450, 230, 435, 226, 421, 226, 406, 230,
               396, 240, 380, 270, 354, 265, 332, 260, 311, 263, 297, 263, 283, 263, 278, 250, 264, 226, 283, 226, 297,
               221, 312, 212, 330, 198, 346, 198, 363, 198, 375, 188, 382, 175, 386, 160, 382, 141, 362, 127, 334, 127,
               326, 133, 312, 148, 312, 163, 315, 180, 304, 192, 290, 204, 273, 206, 255, 205, 241, 204, 234, 198, 255,
               189, 269, 180, 278, 166, 286, 151, 291, 132, 292, 113, 289, 99, 283, 85, 280, 74, 269, 63, 255, 51, 234,

     canvas = Canvas(v1, width=500, height=500, bg='white')
     canvas.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
     canvas.create_polygon(puntos, fill="black", outline="white", width=6)
     b3 = Button(canvas, text="ocultar Ricardo Ledezma", command=lambda: ejecutar(ocultar(v1)))
     b3.grid(row=1, column=3)

    elif num == 16:
     canvas = Canvas(v1, width=210, heigh=210, bg='White')
     canvas.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
     canvas.create_polygon(50, 20, 100, 20, 100, 30, 130, 30, 130, 40, 110, 40, 110, 50, 130, 50, 130, 60, 140, 60, 140,
                         70, 130, 70, 130, 80, 120, 80, 120, 90, 100, 90, 100, 100, 130, 100, 130, 110, 140, 110, 140,
                         150, 120, 150, 120, 160, 130, 160, 130, 170, 140, 170, 140, 180, 100, 180, 100, 160, 90, 160,
                         90, 150, 70, 150, 70, 160, 60, 160, 60, 180, 20, 180, 20, 170, 30, 170, 30, 160, 40, 160, 40,
                         150, 20, 150, 20, 110, 30, 110, 30, 100, 40, 100, 40, 90, 50, 90, 50, 80, 30, 80, 30, 50, 40,
                         50, 40, 30, 50, 30, fill="red", outline='white')
     b3 = Button(canvas, text="ocultar Figura de Mario", command=lambda: ejecutar(ocultar(v1)))
     b3.grid(row=1, column=3)

def ocultar(ventana):ventana.destroy()
def ejecutar(f): v0.after(200, f)
b1 = Button(v0, text="Abrir ventana con Circulo", command=lambda: ejecutar(mostrar(1)) )
b1.grid(row=1, column=1)
b2 = Button(v0, text="Abrir ventana con cuadrado", command=lambda: ejecutar(mostrar(2)))
b2.grid(row=1, column=2)
b3 = Button(v0, text="Abrir ventana con linea", command=lambda: ejecutar(mostrar(3)))
b3.grid(row=1, column=3)
b4 = Button(v0, text="Abrir ventana con arco", command=lambda: ejecutar(mostrar(4)))
b4.grid(row=1, column=4)
b5 = Button(v0, text="Abrir ventana con quesito", command=lambda: ejecutar(mostrar(5)))
b5.grid(row=1, column=5)
b6 = Button(v0, text="Abrir ventana con quesito y arco", command=lambda: ejecutar(mostrar(6)))
b6.grid(row=1, column=6)
b7 = Button(v0, text="Abrir ventana con texto", command=lambda: ejecutar(mostrar(7)))
b7.grid(row=1, column=7)
b8 = Button(v0, text="Abrir ventana con poligono", command=lambda: ejecutar(mostrar(8)))
b8.grid(row=1, column=8)
b9 = Button(v0, text="Abrir ventana con poligono 2", command=lambda: ejecutar(mostrar(9)))
b9.grid(row=1, column=9)
b10 = Button(v0, text="Estrella", command=lambda: ejecutar(mostrar(10)))
b10.grid(row=3, column=2)
b11 = Button(v0, text="Perrito", command=lambda: ejecutar(mostrar(11)))
b11.grid(row=2, column=1)
b12 = Button(v0, text="Conejo", command=lambda: ejecutar(mostrar(12)))
b12.grid(row=2, column=2)
b13 = Button(v0, text="Manzana", command=lambda: ejecutar(mostrar(13)))
b13.grid(row=2, column=3)
b14 = Button(v0, text="Antilope", command=lambda: ejecutar(mostrar(14)))
b14.grid(row=2, column=4)
b15 = Button(v0, text="Mr. Game & Watch", command=lambda: ejecutar(mostrar(15)))
b15.grid(row=2, column=5)
b16 = Button(v0, text="Mario", command=lambda: ejecutar(mostrar(16)))
b16.grid(row=3, column=1)


miércoles, 20 de septiembre de 2017

Flechita con TKinter (Poligonos)


from tkinter import *

VentanaP = Tk()
poly = Canvas(VentanaP, width=210, heigh=210, bg='White')
poly.create_polygon(45, 0, 40, 88, 64, 68, 88, 116, 122, 88, 100, 52, 124, 32, fill='blue', outline='white')

jueves, 14 de septiembre de 2017

Figuras, Botones, Ventanas Hijas

Ejercicios de distintas figuras en diferentes ventanas, con botones, funciones etc..

from tkinter import *

VentanaP = Tk()
Hija1 = Toplevel(VentanaP)
Hija2 = Toplevel(VentanaP)
Hija3 = Toplevel(VentanaP)
Hija4 = Toplevel(VentanaP)
Hija5 = Toplevel(VentanaP)
Hija6 = Toplevel(VentanaP)
Hija1.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", "onexit")
Hija2.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", "onexit")
Hija3.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", "onexit")
Hija4.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", "onexit")
Hija5.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", "onexit")
Hija6.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", "onexit")

def mostrar(ventana): ventana.deiconify()

def ocultar(ventana): ventana.withdraw()

def ejecutar(f): VentanaP.after(200, f)


def circulo(ventana):
    circulo = Canvas(Hija1, width=210, height=210, bg="white")
    cuadro = circulo.create_oval(10, 10, 200, 200, width=3, fill="blue")

def rectangulo(ventana):
    rectangulo = Canvas(Hija2, width=210, height=210, bg="white")
    rectangulo.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
    rectangulo.create_rectangle(10, 10, 200, 200, width=3, fill='black')

def lineas(ventana):
    linea = Canvas(Hija3, width=210, height=210, bg='white')
    linea.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
    linea.create_line(0, 200, 200, 0, width=10, fill='black', dash=(4, 4))
    linea.create_line(0, 0, 200, 200, width=10, fill='black', dash=(4, 4))

def quesito(ventana):
    quesito = Canvas(Hija4,width=300, height=200, bg='white')
    quesito.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
    quesito.create_arc(10, 10, 190, 190, start=270, extent=90, fill='gray90')

def arco(ventana):
    arco = Canvas(Hija5, width=300, height=200, bg='white')
    arco.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
    xy = 10, 10, 190, 190    arco.create_arc(xy, start=0, extent=270, fill='gray60')

def grafico(ventana):
    arco = Canvas(Hija6, width=300, height=200, bg='white')
    arco.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
    xy = 10, 10, 190, 190    arco.create_arc(xy, start=0, extent=270, fill='gray60')
    arco.create_arc(10, 10, 190, 190, start=270, extent=90, fill='gray90')

boton2 = Button(Hija6, text="Cerrar", relief=SOLID, bg='green', cursor="box_spiral", command=lambda: ejecutar(ocultar(Hija6)))

boton6 = Button(Hija4, text="Cerrar", relief=SOLID, bg='green', cursor="box_spiral", command=lambda: ejecutar(ocultar(Hija4)))
boton4 = Button(Hija5, text="Cerrar", relief=SOLID, bg='green', cursor="box_spiral", command=lambda: ejecutar(ocultar(Hija5)))

boton3 = Button(Hija1, text="Cerrar", relief=SOLID, bg='green', cursor="umbrella", command=lambda: ejecutar(ocultar(Hija1)))

boton5 = Button(Hija2, text="Cerrar", relief=SOLID, bg='red', cursor="pencil", command=lambda: ejecutar(ocultar(Hija2)))
boton2 = Button(Hija3, text="Cerrar", relief=SOLID, bg='blue', cursor="umbrella", command=lambda: ejecutar(ocultar(Hija3)), fg='#ffffff')

b1 = Button(VentanaP, text="Mostrar circulo", relief=FLAT, bg='white', cursor="sizing", command=lambda: ejecutar(circulo(Hija1)))
b1.grid(row=1, column=3)

b2 = Button(VentanaP, text="Mostrar rectangulo", relief=FLAT, bg='black', cursor="hand1",            command=lambda: ejecutar(rectangulo(VentanaP)), fg='#ffffff')
b2.grid(row=1, column=2)

b3 = Button(VentanaP, text="Mostrar lineas", relief=FLAT, bg='white', cursor="hand2", command=lambda: ejecutar(lineas(VentanaP)))
b3.grid(row=1, column=1)

b4 = Button(VentanaP, text="Mostrar Quesito", relief=FLAT, bg='white', cursor="hand2", command=lambda: ejecutar(quesito(VentanaP)))
b4.grid(row=1, column=4)

b5 = Button(VentanaP, text="Mostrar Arco", relief=FLAT, bg='white', cursor="hand2", command=lambda: ejecutar(arco(VentanaP)))
b5.grid(row=1, column=5)
b6 = Button(VentanaP, text="Mostrar Grafico", relief=FLAT, bg='white', cursor="hand2", command=lambda: ejecutar(grafico(VentanaP)))
b6.grid(row=2, column=1)


Turtle en Python

Dibujos con Turtle

Para turtle se puede controlar la fleca y e dibujo con unas simples instrucciones

from turtle import *  #Importa la libreria de turtle
def curvemove():    #Define la funcion de movimiento curveado
 for i in range(200):       #repite 200 veces
    right(1)                #mueve la flecha de turtle 1 grado hacia la derecha
    forward(1)              #Mueve la flecha de turtle 1 grado a
color('red','pink')         #define el color de linea, Relleno
begin_fill()                #Rellena la figura
left(140)                   #Gira la fleca 140 grados a la izquierda
forward(111.65)             #Avanza hacia adelante 111.65 pixeles
curvemove()                 #Llama la funcion de movimiento de curva
left(120)                   #Gira acia la izquierda 120 grados
curvemove()                 #movimiento curva
forward(111.65)             #Adelante 111.65 pixeles
end_fill()                  #Termina de rellenar
done()                      #Finaliza

martes, 12 de septiembre de 2017

Juego de Gato Python 3

Juego de Gato

from tkinter import *
from tkinter import messagebox
from tkinter import simpledialog

def bloq(): #funcion para bloquear los botones    for i in range(0, 9):
        lisb[i].config(state="disable")   #Coloca a los botones en estado desactivado

def inij(): #Iniciar juego    for i in range(0, 9):
        lisb[i].config(state="normal")  #Coloca los botones en estado normal, activados        lisb[i].config(bg="lightgray")  #Cambia el color de los botones a gris claro        lisb[i].config(text="")     #Limpia el texto de los botones        tab[i] = "N"            #Agrega    global nomj1, nomj2  # indica a que variables queremos acceder globales    nomj1 = simpledialog.askstring("Jugador", "Escribe el nombre del jugador 1: ")  #abre una caja de texto para introducir el nombre    nomj2 = simpledialog.askstring("Jugador", "Escribe el nombre del jugador 2: ")
    turj.set("Turno: " + nomj1)

def cam(num):   #Marca los botones segun el jugador activo y los marca desactivados    global turno, nomj1, nomj2
    if tab[num] == "N" and turno == 0:  #Si el boton es nulo (=N) y el es el turno del jugador 1        lisb[num].config(text="X")      #Cambia el texto del boton a "X"        lisb[num].config(bg="white")    #Cambia el color del boton a blanco        tab[num] = "X"  #Marca el X en el arreglo en el elemento        turno = 1       #Cambia de jugador        turj.set("Turno: " + nomj2)
    elif tab[num] == "N" and turno == 1:
        tab[num] = "O"        turno = 0        turj.set("Turno: " + nomj1)
    verif()                             #Verifica el tablero por ganadores

#Se verifican los elementos en el arreglo de las posiciones posibles para tener un ganador
def verif():
    if (tab[0] == "X" and tab[1] == "X" and tab[2] == "X") or (tab[3] == "X" and tab[4] == "X" and tab[5] == "X") or (
                tab[6] == "X" and tab[7] == "X" and tab[8] == "X"):
        messagebox.showinfo("Ganaste", "Ganaste jugador: " + nomj1)
    elif (tab[0] == "X" and tab[3] == "X" and tab[6] == "X") or (tab[1] == "X" and tab[4] == "X" and tab[7] == "X") or (
                tab[2] == "X" and tab[5] == "X" and tab[8] == "X"):
        messagebox.showinfo("Ganaste", "Ganaste jugador: " + nomj1)
    elif (tab[0] == "X" and tab[4] == "X" and tab[8] == "X") or (tab[2] == "X" and tab[4] == "X" and tab[6] == "X"):
        messagebox.showinfo("Ganaste", "Ganaste jugador: " + nomj1)
    elif (tab[0] == "O" and tab[1] == "O" and tab[2] == "O") or (tab[3] == "O" and tab[4] == "O" and tab[5] == "O") or (
                tab[6] == "O" and tab[7] == "O" and tab[8] == "O"):
        messagebox.showinfo("Ganaste", "Ganaste jugador: " + nomj2)
    elif (tab[0] == "O" and tab[3] == "O" and tab[6] == "O") or (tab[1] == "O" and tab[4] == "O" and tab[7] == "O") or (
                tab[2] == "O" and tab[5] == "O" and tab[8] == "O"):
        messagebox.showinfo("Ganaste", "Ganaste jugador: " + nomj2)
    elif (tab[0] == "O" and tab[4] == "O" and tab[8] == "O") or (tab[2] == "O" and tab[4] == "O" and tab[6] == "O"):
        messagebox.showinfo("Ganaste", "Ganaste jugador: " + nomj2)

#Se crea la ventana con sus dimesiones y titulo.ven = Tk()
ven.title("Juego del gato")
turno = 0
#Variables para los nombres de los jugadoresnomj1 = ""nomj2 = ""
lisb = []  #Lista para la colocar los botones en ventanatab = []    #Arreglo para los introducir los valores de los botones, es decir perteneciente a jugador 1 o 2turj = StringVar()  #Texto  para el Turno del jugador
for i in range(0, 9):

#Se crean los botones, se les dá el formato y un cursor para cuando les pasamos el ratón por encima.
b0 = Button(ven, width=9, height=3, relief=SOLID, cursor="pencil", command=lambda: cam(0))
lisb.append(b0) #agrega botón a la, y=50)
b1 = Button(ven, width=9, height=3, relief=SOLID, cursor="pencil", command=lambda: cam(1))
lisb.append(b1), y=50)
b2 = Button(ven, width=9, height=3, relief=SOLID, cursor="pencil", command=lambda: cam(2))
lisb.append(b2), y=50)
b3 = Button(ven, width=9, height=3, relief=SOLID, cursor="pencil", command=lambda: cam(3))
lisb.append(b3), y=150)
b4 = Button(ven, width=9, height=3, relief=SOLID, cursor="pencil", command=lambda: cam(4))
lisb.append(b4), y=150)
b5 = Button(ven, width=9, height=3, relief=SOLID, cursor="pencil", command=lambda: cam(5))
lisb.append(b5), y=150)
b6 = Button(ven, width=9, height=3, relief=SOLID, cursor="pencil", command=lambda: cam(6))
lisb.append(b6), y=250)
b7 = Button(ven, width=9, height=3, relief=SOLID, cursor="pencil", command=lambda: cam(7))
lisb.append(b7), y=250)
b8 = Button(ven, width=9, height=3, relief=SOLID, cursor="pencil", command=lambda: cam(8))
lisb.append(b8), y=250)
tue = Label(ven, textvariable=turj).place(x=140, y=10)          #Muestra el turno del jugador en la parte superior de la ventanabini = Button(ven, bg='blue', fg='white', text='Iniciar juego', cursor="sizing", width=15, height=3,
              command=inij).place(x=130, y=360)
bloq() #Funcion que bloquea los botones para el usuario, los pone en modo Disabled
#Crea y posiciona las lineas con Canvas()
linea = Canvas(ven, width=310, height=10), y=120)
linea.create_line(310, 0, 0, 0, width=25, fill='black')
l2 = Canvas(ven, width=310, height=10), y=220)
l2.create_line(310, 0, 0, 0, width=25, fill='black')
l3 = Canvas(ven, width=10, height=310), y=25)
l3.create_line(0, 310, 0, 0, width=25, fill='black')
l4 = Canvas(ven, width=10, height=310), y=25)
l4.create_line(0, 310, 0, 0, width=25, fill='black')


viernes, 8 de septiembre de 2017

Botón, Funcion, Figura en ventana hija


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-from tkinter import *
ventanap = Tk()
ventanap.title("Hacer rectangulo")
ventanah = Toplevel(ventanap)
ventanah.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", "onexit")

def ejecutar(f):
    ventanah.after(200, f)

def mostrar(ventana):

def rectangulo(ven):
    rectangulo = Canvas(ventanah,width=210, height=210, bg="yellow")
    rectangulo.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
    rectangulo.create_rectangle(10, 10, 200, 200, width=3, fill='orange')

def linea(ven):
    linea = Canvas(ventanah,width=210, height=210, bg="white")
    linea.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
    linea.create_line(5, 5, 200, 200, width=3, fill='black')

def ocultar(ventana):

def circulo(ven):
    circulo = Canvas(ventanah,width=210, height=210, bg="red")
    circulo.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
    circulo.create_oval(10, 10, 200, 200, width=3, fill='blue')

boton2= Button(ventanah, text="Cerrar", command=lambda: ejecutar(ocultar(ventanah)))
botoncir = Button(ventanap, text="ver circulo",command=lambda: ejecutar (circulo(ventanap)))  # Primer botonbotoncir.grid(row=1, column=1)  # El botón es cargadobotonrec = Button(ventanap, text="ver rectangulo",command=lambda: ejecutar (rectangulo(ventanap)))  # Primer botonbotonrec.grid(row=1, column=2)  # El botón es cargadobotonlin = Button(ventanap, text="ver linea",command=lambda: ejecutar (linea(ventanap)))  # Primer botonbotonlin.grid(row=1, column=3)  # El botón es cargadoventanah.withdraw()

jueves, 7 de septiembre de 2017

Practicas con funciones y figuras en Python

Botón para dibujar una Linea Punteada:

from tkinter import*
ventana = Tk()  # Tk() Es la ventana principal
ventana.title("ventana de figura con boton")
ventana.config(bg="blue")  # Le da color al fondo
ventana.geometry("500x500")  # Cambia el tamao de la ventana

def ejecutar(f):
    ventana.after(200, f)  # Una forma de ejecutar las funciones

def linea(ventana):
    linea= Canvas(width=210, height=210, bg='red') 
    linea.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
    linea.create_line(500, 500, 0,0, width=10, fill='yellow', dash=(4,4)) 
#Dash hace que la linea sea punteada cada tantos pixelesbotonline = Button(ventana, text="ver linea", command=lambda: ejecutar(linea(ventana))) 
botonline.pack()  # El botn es cargado

Botón Para Mostrar Circulo:

 from tkinter import *
Vent1 = Tk()  # Tk() Es la ventana principalVent1.title("ventana de figura con boton")
Vent1.config(bg="green")  # Le da color al fondoVent1.geometry("500x500")  # Cambia el tamao de la ventana

def ejecutar(f):
    Vent1.after(200, f)  # Una forma de ejecutar las funciones

def circulo(ventana):
    circulo = Canvas(width=210, height=210,bg='red') 
    circulo.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)  # sierve para cargar la figura    circulo.create_oval(10, 10, 200, 200, width=3, fill='blue')  # radio,

botoncir = Button(Vent1, text="ver circulo", command=lambda: ejecutar (circulo(Vent1))
botoncir.pack() # El botón es cargadoVent1.mainloop()

Botón Para Mostrar Rectangulo:

from tkinter import *

Vent1 = Tk()  # Tk() Es la ventana principalVent1.title("ventana de figura con boton")
Vent1.config(bg="green")  # Le da color al fondoVent1.geometry("500x500")  # Cambia el tamao de la ventanaVent1.geometry("500x500")

def ejecutar(f):
    Vent1.after(200, f)  # Una forma de ejecutar las funciones

def rectangulo(ventana):
    rectangulo = Canvas(width=210, height=210,
    rectangulo.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
    rectangulo.create_rectangle(10, 10, 200, 200, width=5, fill="blue")

BotonRec = Button(Vent1, text="Ver Rectangulo", command=lambda: ejecutar(rectangulo(Vent1)))  # Primer botonBotonRec.pack()